Cherokee Language (chr)

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Also Known As: Tsalagi,Tslagi


Cherokee (ᏣᎳᎩ, Tsalagi) is an Iroquoian language spoken by the Cherokee people which uses a unique syllabary writing system. It is the only Southern Iroquoian language that remains spoken. Cherokee is polysynthetic. Cherokee has three major dialects. The Lower dialect became extinct around 1900. The Middle or Kituhwa dialect is spoken by the Eastern band on the Qualla Boundary. The Overhill or Western dialect is spoken in Oklahoma. The Overhill dialect has an estimated 9000 speakers. The Lower dialect spoken by the inhabitants of the Lower Towns in the vicinity of the South Carolina-Georgia border had r as the liquid consonant in its inventory, while both the contemporary Kituhwa or Ani-kituwah dialect spoken in North Carolina and the Overhill dialects contain l. As such, the word "Cherokee" when spoken in the language is expressed as Tsalagi (pronounced Jah-la-gee, Cha-la-gee, or Cha-la-g or TSA la gi by giduwa dialect speakers) by native speakers.

Cherokee only has one labial consonant, m–which is relatively new to the language–unless one counts the Cherokee w a labial instead of a velar. The language also lacks p and b. In the case of p, qu is often substituted (as in the name..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Cherokee Language Speakers

Rosetta Document Collection

Detailed Description:
Genesis Translation:
Vernacular Text:


Main Country: United States
Spoken In:

Regions: Americas

ISO 639-2 Code: chr
ISO 639-3 Code: chr

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Iroquoian Group

    Southern Iroquoian Group

      Cherokee Language