Naro Language (nhr)

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Also Known As: Nhaurun,Nhauru,Nharon,//Aisan,//Ai//e,/Aikwe,//Ai//en,//Aikwe,Nharo,|Aikwe,Naro,||Ai||e,||Aikwe,||Ai||en,||Aisan,Naro language


Naro (also Nharo) is a Khoe language spoken in the Ghanzi District of Botswana and in eastern Namibia, where it is sometimes called Nharo. There are about 14,000 speakers: 10,000 in Botswana (2004 Cook) and 4,000 in Namibia (1998 Maho). This makes it probably the most-spoken of the Tshu-Khwe languages. Naro is a trade language among speakers of different Khoisan languages in the Ghanzi District. There is currently a dictionary of the Naro language available. Naro has the following consonant inventory, in the IPA and the orthography of Visser (2001): Kg and kg’ only contrast for some speakers: kx’ám "mouth" vs. k’áù "male". The flap r is only found medially except in loan words. An l is only found in loans, and is generally substituted by /ɾ/ medially and /n/ initially. Medial [j] and [w] may perhaps be /i/ and /u/; they occur initially only in wèé "all, both" and in yèè (an interjection).

Naro has five vowel qualities, a e i o u, which may occur long (aa ee ii oo uu), nasalized (ã ẽ ĩ õ ũ), pressed (a, e, i, o, u), or combinations of these (ã etc.). There are three tones, written á, a, à. Syllables are of the maximal form CVV, where VV is a long vowel, diphthong, or combination of..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Naro Language Speakers


Main Country: Botswana
Spoken In:

Regions: Africa

ISO 639-3 Code: nhr

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Khoisan Group

    Southern Africa Group

      Central Southern Africa Group

        Tshu-Khwe Group

          Southwest Tshu-Khwe Group

            Naro Language