Nuer Language (nus)

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Also Known As: Naadh,Naath,Nuer,Nuer language


The Nuer language is a Nilo-Saharan language of the Western Nilotic group. It is spoken by the Nuer people of southern Sudan and in western Ethiopia. Nuer is one of eastern and central Africa's most widely spoken languages. The Nuer tribe is one of the largest tribes in Southern Sudan. Nuer language has a Latin-based alphabet. There are also several dialects of Nuer, although all have one written standard. For example, while final /k/ is pronounced in the Jikany dialect, this sound is dropped in other dialects despite being indicated in Nuer orthography.

There are different dialects spoken by Nuer groups living in various locations in Southern Sudan. A Bible in Nuer exists. Some of the Nuer people live in Western Ethiopia. They are called Gajaak and Lou. The Nuer of the Nasir region are called Gajiok, and those in Waat are called Lou. There are also Gaweer and Jikueichieng...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Nuer Language Speakers

Rosetta Document Collection

Detailed Description:
Genesis Translation:
Vernacular Text:


Main Country: Sudan
Spoken In:

Countries: Ethiopia Regions: Africa

ISO 639-3 Code: nus

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Nilo-Saharan Group

    Eastern Sudanic Group

      Nilotic Group

        Western Nilotic Group

          Dinka-Nuer Group

            Nuer Group

              Nuer Language