Chiripá Language: Difference between revisions

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(New page: <table valign=top> <tr> <td valign=top align=left width="50%"> <table valign=top> <tr><td><b>Also Known As:</b> Nhandeva,Txiripa$,Ava,Apytare,Guaraní,Tsiripá,Txiripá...)
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        <tr><td><b>Also Known As:</b> Nhandeva,Txiripa$,Ava,Apytare,Guaraní,Tsiripá,Txiripá,Chiripá,Ava Guaraní,Ñandeva
Chiripá (ISO 639-3: nhd) is a Tupí language spoken in Paraguay, Brazil, and also Argentina. It is closely related to Paraguayan Guaraní, a language which speakers are increasingly switching to. There are 4,900 speakers in Brazil and 7,000 in Paraguay.
Chiripá is also known as Ñandeva, although, in the Paraguayan Chaco, Ñandeva refers to the local variety of Eastern Bolivian/Western Argentine Guaraní. In Brazil, Chiripá is called Nhandeva.
Chiripá is one of a number of "dialects" of the Guaraní language now generally classified as distinct languages: Chiripá, Eastern Bolivian or Western Argentine Guaraní, Mbyá Guaraní, Paraguayan Guaraní, etc. Of these, Paraguayan Guaraní is by far the most important variety and it is often referred to simply as Guaraní. For more information, see Guaraní language.
Additionally, the language group known as Guarani also includes additional languages that have never been considered Guaraní "dialects", such as Guarayu and Sirionó. For more information, see Guarani languages.<i>[ ..... full article at Wikipedia]</i></td></tr>
        <tr><td><h2>Location of Chiripá Language Speakers</h2>
<googlemap zoom="3" width=400 height=300 lat="-24.921664" lon="-57.370804" type="map">
-24.921664, -57.370804, Paraguay</googlemap>
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<tr><td><b>Main Country: </b></td><td>[ Paraguay]</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Spoken In: </b></td><td>
<b><i>Regions: </i></b>[http:/// Americas]
<tr><td><b>ISO 639-3 Code: </b></td><td>nhd</td></tr>
      <tr><td><h2>Classification Taxonomy</h2>
[[All Languages]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Tupi Group]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Tupi-Guarani Group]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Guarani I Group]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>[[Chiripá Language]]</b>

Revision as of 06:07, 12 August 2009

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