Cashibo-Cacataibo Language (cbr): Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 17:19, 13 August 2009

Also Known As: Caxibo,Cachibo,Hagueti,Managua,Cacibo,Cahivo


Cashibo-Cacataibo, Caxibo, Cacibo, Cachibo, Cahivo, Managua, or Hagueti is an indigenous language of Peru in the region of the Aguaytía, San Alejandro, and Súngaro rivers. It belongs to the Panoan linguistic family, which consists of 28 languages including Shipibo and Yora. The language is spoken vigorously by the aboriginal people of the same name. According to the Ethnologue there were 5,000 speakers of Cashibo in 1999, but the language was vigorous in the communities. The language is official along the Aguaytía, San Alejandro, and Súngaro rivers in Perú where it is most widely spoken. It is used in schools until third grade. There are not many monolinguals, although some women over the age of fifty are.

There is five to ten percent literacy compared to fifteen to twenty-five percent literacy in Spanish as a second language. A Cashibo-Cacataibo dictionary has been compiled, and there is a body of literature, especially poetry...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Cashibo-Cacataibo Language Speakers


Main Country: Peru
Spoken In:

Regions: Americas

ISO 639-3 Code: cbr

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Panoan Group

    Western Panoan Group

      Cashibo-Cacataibo Language