Tetete Language

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Also Known As: Tetete language


Teteté is an extinct Tucanoan language that was spoken in Ecuador close to the Ecuador-Colombia border. It was also formerly spoken in Colombia, but is now extinct there. It was spoken by the indigenous Tetete people, who did not survive the twentieth century.

Tetete is close to the Secoya language...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Tetete Language Speakers

<googlemap zoom="3" width=400 height=300 lat="-0.150000" lon="-78.350000" type="map"> -0.150000, -78.350000, Ecuador</googlemap>


Main Country: Ecuador
Spoken In:

Regions: Americas

ISO 639-3 Code: teb

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Tucanoan Group

    Western Tucanoan Group

      Northern Western Tucanoan Group

        Tetete Group

          Tetete Language