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Also Known As: Ugi,Boeginezen,Buginese,Bugi,Boegineesche,Rappang Buginese,De',Bugis


Buginese (Basa Ugi, elsewhere also Bahasa Bugis, Bugis, Bugi, De) is the language spoken by about four million people mainly in the southern part of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The word Buginese derives from the word Bahasa Bugis in Malay. In Buginese, it is called Basa Ugi while the Bugis people are called To Ugi. Ugi in Buginese means The First King which refers to the first king of the ancient Bugis kingdom, Cina. Little is known about the early history of this language due to the lack of written records. The earliest written record of this language is Sureq Galigo, the epic creation myth of the Bugis people. Another written source of Buginese is Lontara, a term which refers to the traditional script and historical record as well. However the earliest historical record of Lontara dates to around the 17th century and cannot be accepted as a reliable source of history since it was influenced by myths.

Prior to the Dutch arrival in the 18th century, a missionary, B.F. Matthews, translated the bible into Buginese, which made him the first European to acquire knowledge of the language. He was also one of the first Europeans to master Makassarese. The dictionaries and grammar books compiled..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Bugis Language Speakers



Main Country: Indonesia
Spoken In:

Regions: Asia

ISO 639-3 Code: bug

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Austronesian Group

    Malayo-Polynesian Group

      Western Malayo-Polynesian Group

        Sulawesi Group

          South Sulawesi Group

            Bugis Group

              Bugis Language