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Also Known As: Български език,Bulgarian,Pomak,Balgarski


Bulgarian (български език, pronounced [ˈbəlɡarski ɛˈzik]) is an Indo-European language, a member of the Slavic linguistic group. Bulgarian demonstrates several linguistic innovations that set it apart from all other Slavic languages except Macedonian, such as the elimination of case declension, the development of a suffixed definite article (see Balkan linguistic union), the lack of a verb infinitive, and the retention and further development of the proto-Slavic verb system. Various verb forms exist to express unwitnessed, retold, and doubtful action. Estimates of the number of people around the world who speak Bulgarian fluently range from about 9 million to 12 million. The development of the Bulgarian language may be divided into several historical periods.

Bulgarian was the first "Slavic" language attested in writing. As Slavic linguistic unity lasted into late antiquity, in the oldest manuscripts this language was initially referred to as языкъ словяньскъ, "the Slavic language". In the Middle Bulgarian period this name was gradually replaced by the name языкъ блъгарьскъ, the "Bulgarian language". In some cases, the name языкъ блъгарьскъ was used not only with regard to the..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Bulgarian Language Speakers


Rosetta Document Collection

Genesis Translation:
Universal Declaration Of Human Rights:


Main Country: Bulgaria
Spoken In:

Countries: Bulgaria Regions: Europe

ISO 639-1 Code: bg
ISO 639-2 Code: bul
ISO 639-3 Code: bul

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Indo-European Group

    Slavic Group

      South Slavic Group

        Eastern South Group

          Bulgarian Language