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Also Known As: Yazgulyam Language,Iazgulem,Yazgulyami,Yazgulam


  The Yazgulyam language (also Yazgulyami, Iazgulem, Yazgulam; Tajik: yazgulomi) is a member of the Pamir subgroup of the Iranian languages, spoken by ca. 4,000 native speakers (as of 1994) along the Yazgulyam River, Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan. Together with Shugni, it is classified as the Shugni-Yazgulami subgroup of the Pamir languages. Virtually all speakers are bilingual in the Tajik language. The Yazgulami language consists of two dialects, one of these is spoken higher in the mountains, the other lower. The differences are not significant and are limited to the vocabulary. Differences in the vocabulary are also detectable between the languages used in different villages in the lower mountains. The Vanji language (also Vanži, is a close relation to Yazgulami, which has become extinct now. Other languages spoken in the Pamirs differ greatly from the Yazgulami language. The disparities are the largest in the vocabulary.

The language was first recorded by Russian traveller G. Arandarenko in 1889, listing 34 Yazgulami words recorded in 1882. The language was described in greater detail by French linguist, R. Gauthiot in Notes sur le yazggoulami, dialecte iraniren des Confins du..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Yazgulyam language Speakers


Rosetta Document Collection

Detailed Description:
Vernacular Text:


Main Country: Tajikistan
Spoken In:

Regions: Asia

ISO 639-3 Code: yah

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Indo-European Group

    Indo-Iranian Group

      Iranian Group

        Eastern Iranian Group

          Indo-European Indo-Iranian Iranian Southeastern Eastern Group

            Pamir Group

              Shugni-Yazgulami Group

                Yazgulyam language