Capanahua Language

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Also Known As: Kapanawa


Capanahua or Kapanawa /kapaˈnawa/ is a declining indigenous American language of the Panoan family spoken in western South America by a few hundred aboriginal people. The language is spoken by the 400 strong Capanahua people, around the area of the Tapiche-Buncuya river, where it is the official language. There is one dialect called Pahenbaquebo; and the closest related language is Shipibo with which is shared 50 to 60 percent comprehensibility. If a Capanahua speaker talks to another Capanahua speaker in Spanish it is considered insulting, and applying the stigmatizing label of outsider. The language is in decline, since there are few speakers and almost no children can speak it. Capanahua is used in two bilingual schools, somewhat in other primary schools, but not in secondary schools. There is 5 to 10 percent literacy in Spanish compared to 10 percent literacy in the native mother tongue. The language has a written grammar, a dictionary, and uses Roman script when written. Capanahua speakers and people are referred to derogatorily as "Capachos"...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Capanahua Language Speakers

<googlemap zoom="3" width=400 height=300 lat="-11.258333" lon="-75.137350" type="map"> -11.258333, -75.137350, Peru</googlemap>

Rosetta Document Collection

Genesis Translation:
Vernacular Text:


Main Country: Peru
Spoken In:

Regions: Americas

ISO 639-3 Code: kaq

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Panoan Group

    North-central Panoan Group

      Capanahua Language