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Also Known As: Mirandesa,Mirandes,Mirandese


The Mirandese language (autonym: mirandés or lhéngua mirandesa; Portuguese: mirandês or língua mirandesa) is a Romance language belonging to the Astur-Leonese linguistic group, sparsely spoken in a small area of northeastern Portugal, in the municipalities of Miranda do Douro, Mogadouro and Vimioso. The Portuguese Parliament granted it co-official recognition (along with Portuguese language) for local matters on 17 September 1998 with the law 7/99 of 29 January 1999. Mirandese has a distinct phonology, morphology and syntax, and has been distinct at least since the formation of Portugal (12th century). It has its roots in the spoken Latin of the north of the Iberian Peninsula (Portuguese developed in the northwest). It is a descendant of the ancient Leonese language of northern Iberia, the last remnant of the ancient language of the Kingdom of León, and closely related to modern the Astur-Leonese languages in Spain. However, these amalgamations in the Spanish territory did not affect Mirandese, which preserves distinct linguistic differences in relation to both Portuguese and Spanish. It shares a great deal of lexicon with regional Portuguese dialects.

In the 19th century, José..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Miranda do Douro Language Speakers


Main Country: Portugal
Spoken In:

Countries: Portugal Regions: Europe

ISO 639-3 Code: mwl

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Indo-European Group

    Italic Group

      Romance Group

        Italo-Western Group

          Western Italo-Western Group

            Gallo-Iberian Group

              Ibero-Romance Group

                West Iberian Group

                  Asturo-Leonese Group

                    Miranda do Douro Language