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Also Known As: Papiam,Papiamento,Papiamen,Curassese,Papiamentoe,Papiamentu,Curaçoleño


Papiamento (or Papiamentu) is the official and most widely spoken language on the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao (the so-called "ABC islands"). Papiamento is a creole language derived from either Portuguese or Spanish with vocabulary influences from African languages, English and Arawak native languages.

The historical origins of Papiamento are still not very well known. It is disputed whether Papiamento originated from Portuguese or from Spanish. Owing to the resemblance between Spanish and Portuguese, it is difficult to tell whether a particular word came from one or from the other, or even from Italian (old Genovese). In addition, some Arubans claim Papiamento to be of exclusively Arawak-Spanish origin and do not want to accept the African influence on the language, while others do not want to accept the Native American influence on Papiamento and therefore maintain it to be an exclusively Afro-Portuguese or Afro-Spanish language that developed first on Curaçao and then spread to Aruba. While such discussions often are based on historical evidence selectively interpreted for nationalist purposes, they nevertheless further complicate the debate on the origins of..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Papiamentu Language Speakers

Rosetta Document Collection

Detailed Description:
Genesis Translation:
Vernacular Text:


Main Country: Netherlands Antilles
Spoken In:

Regions: Americas

ISO 639-2 Code: pap
ISO 639-3 Code: pap

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Creole Group

    Iberian based Group

      Papiamentu Language