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Also Known As: Interlingua De Iala


Interlingua (ISO 639 language codes ia, ina) is an international auxiliary language (IAL), developed between 1937 and 1951 by the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA). It is the second or third most widely used IAL (after Esperanto and perhaps Ido) and the most widely used naturalistic IAL: in other words, its vocabulary, grammar and other characteristics are largely derived from natural languages. Interlingua was developed to combine a simple, mostly regular grammar with a vocabulary common to the widest possible range of languages, making it unusually easy to learn, at least for those whose native languages were sources of Interlingua's vocabulary and grammar. Conversely, it is used as a rapid introduction to many natural languages. Interlingua is also unusual for being immediately understandable to hundreds of millions of people who speak a Romance language. The name Interlingua comes from the Latin words inter, meaning between, and lingua, meaning tongue or language. These morphemes are identical in Interlingua. Thus, Interlingua would be "between language", or intermediary language.

The expansive movements of science, technology, trade, diplomacy, and the arts,..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Interlingua Language Speakers


Main Country: France
Spoken In:

Regions: Europe

ISO 639-3 Code: ina

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Artificial language Group

    Interlingua Language