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Also Known As: Urum


Urum is a Turkic language spoken by several thousand people who inhabit a few villages in the Southeastern Ukraine and in diaspora communities world wide. Urum language are often considered variants of Crimean Tatar language. The name Urum is derived from Rûm ("Rome"), the term for the Byzantine empire in the Muslim world. The Ottoman Empire used it to describe non-Muslims within the empire. The initial vowel in Urum is prosthetic: originally Turkic languages did not have r- in word-initial position, and in borrowed words used to add a vowel before it. The common use of the term Urum appears to have led to some confusion, as most Turkish-speaking Greeks were called Urum. The Turkish-speaking population in Georgia is often confused with the distinct community in the Ukraine. (see: Urums) (1) /ts/ is found only in loanwords. (2) /θ/ and /ð/ are found only in loanwords from Greek.

A few manuscripts are known to be written in Urum using Greek characters. During the period between 1927 and 1937, the Urum language was written in reformed Latin characters, the New Turkic Alphabet, and used in local schools; at least one primer is known to have been printed. In 1937 the use of written Urum..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Urum Language Speakers



Main Country: Georgia
Spoken In:

Regions: Asia

ISO 639-3 Code: uum

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Altaic Group

    Turkic Group

      Urum Language