Bhojpuri Language (bho)

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Also Known As: Bhojapuri,Bajpuri,Bhozpuri,Bihari,Khotla,Bhojpuri,Deswali,Piscimas


Bhojpuri ( pronunciation (help·info)) is a regional language spoken in parts of north-central and eastern India. It is spoken in the western part of state of Bihar, the northwestern part of Jharkhand, and the Purvanchal region of Uttar Pradesh, as well as an adjoining area of southern plains of Nepal. Bhojpuri is also spoken in Guyana, Suriname, Fiji, Trinidad and Tobago and Mauritius. The variant of Bhojpuri of the Surinamese Hindustanis, is also referred to Sarnami Hindi or just Sarnami when it is mixed with (Creole) English or Dutch words. In Guyana and Trinidad a smaller percentage of the Indians know Bhojpuri compared to Suriname. The Bhojpuri language is part of the Eastern-Hindi or Begali continuum of languages which once exended from Assam and Begal to Benares. While the rest of Bihar and UP slowly adopted the new Hindi standard, the language remained strong in the areas between Patna and Benares. The government of India while taking census, disagree, and consider Bhojpuri to be a dialect of Hindi. But now the government of India is preparing to grant it statutory status as a national scheduled language.

Bhojpuri shares vocabulary with Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu and other..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Bhojpuri Language Speakers

Rosetta Document Collection

Detailed Description:
Table Of Contents:
Universal Declaration Of Human Rights:
Vernacular Text:


Main Country: India
Spoken In:

Regions: Asia

ISO 639-2 Code: bho
ISO 639-3 Code: bho

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Indo-European Group

    Indo-Iranian Group

      Indo-Aryan Group

        Eastern zone Group

          Bihari Group

            Bhojpuri Language