Kalmyk-Oirat Language (xal)

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Also Known As: Oirat,Western Mongolian,Kalmuk,Xinjiang Mongolian,Weilate,Kalmack,Qalmaq,Khal:mag,European Oirat,Kalmytskii Jazyk,Western Mongol,Volga Oirat,Kalmuck,Kalmyk-Oirat


The Kalmyk language (Хальмг келн; also known as Kalmuck, Calmouk, Qalmaq, Kalmytskii Jazyk, Khal:mag, Volga Oirat, Weilate, Western Mongol) is the language spoken by the Kalmyks, that is, the Oirats of Kalmykia (Russian Federation). The Kalmyk variety belongs to the Oirat language within the Mongolic language family and is itself divided into the Torgut language in the East and the Dörbed dialect in the West. The Kalmyks suffered greatly during the Soviet period. Half of all Kalmyk speakers died during the Russian Civil War. Stalin's ethnic cleansings also significantly reduced the population of the Kalmyk people. Until recently, the Kalmyk population in Russia was at lower levels than it had been in 1913. Russian was made the primary official language of Kalmykia, and in 1963 the last Kalmyk language classes were closed and Russian became the language of education for Kalmyk children. As a result of these policies, many Kalmyks do not speak their ethnic language. Kalmyk linguists, in collaboration with the Kalmyk government, are working to improve this situation. Beginning in 1993, school education in the Kalmyk language was restored.

It has some elements in common with the Uralic..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Kalmyk-Oirat Language Speakers



Main Country: Russia
Spoken In:

Regions: Europe

ISO 639-3 Code: xal

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Altaic Group

    Mongolian Group

      Eastern Mongolian Group

        Oirat-Khalkha Group

          Oirat-Kalmyk-Darkhat Group

            Kalmyk-Oirat Language