Munji Language (mnj)

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Also Known As: Munjhan,Munjiwar,Munjani,Munji


  The Munji language, also Munjani language, is a Pamir language spoken in Badakhshan Province in Afghanistan. It is similar to the Yidgha language which is spoken in the Upper Lutkuh Valley of Chitral, west of Garam Chishma in Pakistan. The Garam Chishma area became important during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan because the Soviets were unable to stop the flow of arms and men back and forth across the Dorah Pass that separates Chitral from Badakshan in Afghanistan. Almost the entire Munji-speaking population of Afghanistan fled across the border to Chitral during the War in Afghanistan.

The Pamir Mountains are a high plateau sometimes called "The roof of the world" that joins Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, China and Kashmir. Marco Polo is believed to have crossed the Pamir Mountains on the way to China...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Munji Language Speakers


Main Country: Afghanistan
Spoken In:

Regions: Asia

ISO 639-3 Code: mnj

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Indo-European Group

    Indo-Iranian Group

      Iranian Group

        Eastern Iranian Group

          Indo-European Indo-Iranian Iranian Southeastern Eastern Group

            Pamir Group

              Munji Language