Kaiwá Language (kgk)

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Also Known As: Cayua,Caiwa,Kayova,Caiua,Caingua,Kaiova,Kaiwá,Caiwá


Kaiwá is a Tupi language spoken by about 15,000 in Brazil in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, and also 512 in Argentina. Literacy is 5-10% in Kaiwá and 15-25% in Portuguese. It is 70% lexically similar with Pai Tavytera, and is somewhat intelligible with Guaraní. Eregwata-ramo ka'agwy-rupi erehexa gwa'a. Hagwe pytã porã. Oveve áry-rupi gwa'a. Oveve-ramo, "Kaa! Kaa!" he'i. Heta oĩ gwa'a ka'agwy-rupi. Portuguese translation: Quando você passeia no mato, você vê a arara. A plumagem dela é dum vermelho bonito. A arara voa no céu. Quando voa, grita "Kaa! Kaa!" Há muitas araras n mato. Rough English translation:

When you walk in the bush, you see the macaw. The plumage is a beautiful red. The macaw flies in the sky. When it flies, it shouts "Kaa! Kaa!" There are many macaws in the bush...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Kaiwá Language Speakers



Main Country: Brazil
Spoken In:

Regions: Americas

ISO 639-3 Code: kgk

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Tupi Group

    Tupi-Guarani Group

      Guarani I Group

        Kaiwá Language