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Also Known As: !Kora,Koraqua,Gorachouqua,Koranna,!Ora,Korana language


Korana, or ǃOra, is an moribund Khoisan language of South Africa. An ethnic Korana population (also called Griqua) of 10,000 live in South Africa, and perhaps Botswana, with half a dozen elderly speakers as of 2008. ǃOra is related to Nama, and the sound systems are broadly similar. However, ǃOra has an ejective velar affricate, [kxʼ], which is not found in Nama, both as a pulmonic consonant and as a click accompaniment. In addition, about half of all lexical words in ǃOra began with a click, compared to a quarter in Nama.

ǃOra is only recorded in a notebook from 1879 which contains five short stories, but salvage work may be conducted with the few remaining speakers...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Korana Language Speakers



Main Country: South Africa
Spoken In:

Regions: Africa

ISO 639-3 Code: kqz

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Khoisan Group

    Southern Africa Group

      Central Southern Africa Group

        Nama Group

          Korana Language