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Also Known As: Gapun


Taiap (also called Gapun, after the name of the village where it is spoken) is an endangered language isolate spoken by around a hundred people in the East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea. It is being replaced by the national language and lingua franca Tok Pisin.

The first European to come across Taiap was a German missionary in 1938. The language wasn't studied by linguists until the 1970s due to the inaccessibility of the region. Although Donald Laycock (1973) placed Taiap in his Sepik Ramu language family, its structure and vocabulary would be unique for that family, and Ross (2005) found no evidence that it is related to any language of New Guinea. The current extent of Taiap is nearly coincident with what had been an offshore island 6000 years ago (map), consistent with the idea that Taiap is a language isolate...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Taiap Language Speakers


Main Country: Papua New Guinea
Spoken In:

Regions: Oceania

ISO 639-3 Code: gpn

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Sepik-Ramu Group

    Gapun Group

      Taiap Language