Kuman Language (kue)

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Also Known As: Chimbu,Simbu


Kuman is a language of Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea, also known as Simbu or Chimbu. As of 1994, it was spoken by about 80,000 people, 10,000 of which were monolinguals. Kuman is an SOV language.

Hardie, Peter. 2003. Is Kuman Tonal? An account of basic segmental and tonological structure in the Papuan language Kuman. MA thesis: Australian National University..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Kuman Language Speakers



Main Country: Papua New Guinea
Spoken In:

Regions: Oceania

ISO 639-3 Code: kue

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Trans-New Guinea Group

    Main Section Group

      Central and Western Group

        East new guinea highlands Central and Western Group

          Central East New Guinea Highlands Group

            Chimbu Group

              Kuman Language