Kxoe language (xuu)

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Also Known As: Kxoe Language,Mbara Kwengo,Zama,Black Bushman,Mbarakwena,Glanda-khwe,Barakwena "Barakwengo",Cazama,Schekere,Vazama,Mbarakwengo,!Hukwe,Water Bushmen,Hukwe,Xun,Kxoedam,Khoe,Xuhwe,Xu,Kxoe,Khwe,Khwedam


Kxoe is a Khoisan dialect continuum of Namibia, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, and a few in Zambia, with some 11,000 speakers. It is learned locally as a second language in Namibia, but the language is being lost in Botswana as speakers shift to Tswana, under threat of deportation if they do not speak that language. Thousands of Kxoe were murdered in Angola after independence, as they had been used by the Portuguese as trackers, and the survivors fled to Zambia. However, some may have returned to Angola more recently. There is currently a dictionary of the Kxoe language. Namibia: ~4,000 Angola: ~800 Botswana: ~5,000 South Africa: ~1,100 Zambia: ~100

DR Congo: ~50 (refugees from Angola)..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Kxoe language Speakers


Rosetta Document Collection

Detailed Description:
Table Of Contents:


Main Country: Namibia
Spoken In:

Regions: Africa

ISO 639-3 Code: xuu

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Khoisan Group

    Southern Africa Group

      Central Southern Africa Group

        Tshu-Khwe Group

          Northwest Tshu-Khwe Group

            Kxoe language