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Also Known As: Ligure,Ligurian,Líguru,Ligurian language


Ligurian is a Gallo-Romance language, currently spoken in Liguria, northern Italy, and parts of the Mediterranean coastal zone of France, and Monaco. Genoese (Zeneize or Zeneise) is one of the most well-known dialects, spoken in Genoa, the capital of Liguria. It belongs to the Northern Italian group within the Romance languages. The language may be dying out, but is still widely spoken by many, especially the elderly, out of a population of 2,000,000. The highest artistic expression of this language is probably the album Crêuza de mä by the Genoese singer and songwriter Fabrizio de Andrè. The whole album is written and sung in Ligurian, and is considered one of the best of the World music during the Eighties. Notable native speakers:

Besides Liguria, the language is traditionally spoken in coastal, northern Tuscany, southern Piedmont (part of the province of Alessandria), western extremes of Emilia-Romagna (some areas in the province of Piacenza), in northern parts of Sardinia (Italy), the Alpes-Maritimes of France (Mostly the Côte d'Azur from the Italian border to and including Monaco), and parts of Corsica (France). It has been adopted formally in Monaco as the Monegasque..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Ligurian Language Speakers


Main Country: Italy
Spoken In:

Regions: Europe

ISO 639-3 Code: lij

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Indo-European Group

    Italic Group

      Romance Group

        Italo-Western Group

          Western Italo-Western Group

            Gallo-Iberian Group

              Gallo-Romance Group

                Gallo-Italian Group

                  Ligurian Language

                    Genoese dialect