Malo Language (mla)

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Tamambo is an Oceanic language spoken by at least 3,000 people on Malo and nearby islands in Vanuatu. /i u/ become [j w] respectively when unstressed and before another vowel. /o/ may also become [w] for some speakers. The prenasalized postalveolar stop /ɟ/ is often affricated and voiceless, i.e. [tʃ]. Younger speakers often realize /β/ as [f] initially and [v] medially, while /βʷ/ is often replaced by [w]. /x/ is usually realized as [x] initially, but some speakers use [h]. Medially, it may be pronounced as any of [x ɣ h ɦ ɡ].

Few speakers of Tamambo are literate, and there is no standard orthography. Spelling conventions used include:..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Malo Language Speakers

Rosetta Document Collection

Genesis Translation:


Main Country: Vanuatu
Spoken In:

Regions: Oceania

ISO 639-3 Code: mla

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Austronesian Group

    Malayo-Polynesian Group

      Central-Eastern Group

        Eastern Malayo-Polynesian Group

          Oceanic Group

            Central-Eastern Oceanic Group

              Remote Oceanic Group

                North and Central Vanuatu Group

                  Northeast Vanuatu-Banks Islands Group

                    West Santo Group

                      Malo Language