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Also Known As: Yagar Yagar,Mabuiag,Kala Lagau Langgus,Kala Yagaw Ya,Langus,Kala Lagaw


Kala Lagaw Ya (correctly Kalaw Lagaw Ya [back/west+gen place+gen speech]; several other names; see below) is a language spoken on all the western and central Torres Strait Islands, Queensland, Australia. On some islands it has now largely been replaced by Brokan (Torres Strait Creole English). It has the highest speaker population of any indigenous language within Australian territory, with between 3000 and 4000 people speaking the language (Ethnologue). Before Colonisation in the 1870s-1880s, it was the major lingua franca of the area in both Australia and Papua, and is still widely spoken by neighbouring Papuans. However many second (or nth) language speakers it has is unknown, and probably unknowable. It also has a pidginised form, partially creolised by some younger people on Badu [Badhu] (Kala Lagaw Ya territory). The language is known by several names besides Kalaw Lagaw Ya, most of which (including Kalaw Lagaw Ya), are strictly speaking names of dialects, spelling variants, dialect variants, and the like - including translations of the English terms, Western Island Language and Central Island Language. The following list includes most of the commonest:

In literature on the..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Kala Lagaw Ya Language Speakers

Rosetta Document Collection

Detailed Description:
Genesis Translation:
Vernacular Text:


Main Country: Australia
Spoken In:

Regions: Oceania

ISO 639-3 Code: mwp

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Australian Group

    Pama-Nyungan Group

      Kala Lagaw Ya Group

        Kala Lagaw Ya Language