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Also Known As: Slovak,Slovakian,Slovak language


The Slovak alphabet uses a modification of the Latin alphabet. The modifications include the four diacriticals (ˇ, ´, ¨, ^) placed above certain letters. The lexicographic ordering of the Slovak alphabet is very similar to that of English: A B C D DZ E F G H CH I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. The complete alphabet, however, allows for characters with diacritics (the character with diacritics always comes after the same character without diacritics) and is as follows: a á ä b c č d ď dz dž e é f g h ch i í j k l ľ ĺ m n ň o ó ô p q r ŕ s š t ť u ú v w x y ý z ž. Note that dz, dž and ch are considered single letters and that ch follows the h (not the c). The letters "q", "w", "x" are only used in loanwords, never in native Slovak words. The names of the letters (like in English ey, bee, cee, dee …) are: a (á), á (dlhé á), ä (prehlasované á; á s dvoma bodkami, široké e), bé, cé, čé, dé, ďé, dzé, džé, e (é), é (dlhé é), ef, gé, há, chá, i (í), í (dlhé í), jé, ká, el, eľ, dlhé el, em, en, eň, o (ó), ó (dlhé ó), ô (ó s vokáňom), pé, kvé, er, dlhé er, es, eš, té, ťé, u (ú), ú (dlhé ú), vé, dvojité vé, iks, ypsilon (ý), dlhé ý, zet, žet (for pronunciation see below)

The characters are..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Slovak Language Speakers

Rosetta Document Collection

Universal Declaration Of Human Rights:


Main Country: Slovakia
Spoken In:

Regions: Europe

ISO 639-1 Code: sk
ISO 639-3 Code: slk

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Indo-European Group

    Slavic Group

      West Slavic Group

        Czech-Slovak Group

          Slovak Language