Sora Language (srb)

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Also Known As: Shabari,Sabar,Sabara,Saura,Saonras,Savara,Saora,Sawaria,Swara


Sora (also Saora, Saonras, Shabari, Sabar, Saura, Savara, Sawaria, Swara, Sabara) is a Munda language of India, spoken by some 288,000 native speakers (1997) in South Orissa in eastern India, mainly in the Ganjam District, but also in the Koraput and Phulbani districts; other communities exist in Andhra Pradesh (Srikakulam District), Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and the Plains Division of Assam. Although the Sora language is alternatively known as the Savara language, it is not the same as the Dravidian Savara language spoken in the same region, straddling the border between Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. It is written in the Latin alphabet and the Telugu script, and also in the Sorang Sompeng script devised for the language in 1936.

Sora was one of the subjects of the 2008 American documentary film The Linguists, in which two linguists attempted document several moribund languages...... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Sora Language Speakers

Rosetta Document Collection

Genesis Translation:


Main Country: India
Spoken In:

Regions: Asia

ISO 639-3 Code: srb

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Austro-Asiatic Group

    Munda Group

      South Munda Group

        Koraput Munda Group

          Sora-Juray-Gorum Group

            Sora-Juray Group

              Sora Language