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Also Known As: Mir,Miriam,Miriam-mir,Mer,East Torres


Meriam (in the language itself Meriam Mìr; also Miriam, Meryam, Mer, Mir, Miriam-Mir, etc. and Eastern, Isten, Esten and The Eastern Torres Strait Language, Able Able) is the language of Meriam people of Mer (Murray Island), Waier and Dauar, Erub (Darnley Island) and Ugar (Stephens Island) in the Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia. In the Western-Central Lanbguage of Torres Strait (Kala Lagaw Ya), it is generally called Mœyam, or Mœyamau Ya. Although Meriam is located in Australian territory, it is classified as a Papuan language, not an Australian language. It has, however, around 25 percent common vocabulary with its Torres Strait Island neighbour Kala Lagaw Ya, which is an Australian language. There are some very minor Rotuman language from the erstwhile substantial community of Rotuman people as well as other Melanesian, Polynesian, Indonesian, Japanese and other influences in the form of vocabulary. Many such outsiders were recruited - or in some cases black-birded - in the 19th century for pearl diving, and other marine work.

Meriam was placed in the Eastern Trans-Fly family of Trans–New Guinea by Stephen Wurm, who however felt that these have retained remnants of..... full article at Wikipedia

Location of Meriam Language Speakers



Main Country: Australia
Spoken In:

Regions: Oceania

ISO 639-3 Code: ulk

Classification Taxonomy

All Languages

  Trans-New Guinea Group

    Trans-Fly-Bulaka River Group

      Trans-Fly Group

        Eastern Trans-Fly Group

          Meriam Language